Harvest Monday - May 26, 2014

My 1st harvest Monday – Hip hip hurray!

After a very cold & drawn out winter, things are starting to pick up in the garden.  Not too much to report yet, but I’m super happy with what I do have.  It has been a long time coming!

First we have the spinach.  I have only harvested a small amount so far, but it was delicious!  Definitely worth it, even with all the issues I had starting the seeds.  I would say that "Monstrueux de Viroflay" is a keeper for sure.  Of course, since this is my first time growing spinach, I would probably say that about any variety at this point ;)

“Monstrueux de Viroflay” Spinach - My first EVER spinach harvest
The lettuce is growing well now.  So far, 3 varieties are big enough to pick.  You can pick lettuce at any size, really, but I prefer to pick it when the leaves are at least 3-4 inches long.   

"Royal Red" Lettuce

"Black Seeded Simpson" Lettuce

"Ruby Red" Lettuce
And last, but certainly not least is the rapini, another crop that I haven’t grown before.  Yummy yum yum - this one is on the menu for my lunch today, but I will definitely set some aside for my son who is (along with his mother) a rapini fanatic.

This variety, "Sorrento", is supposed to mature in 35 days.  When I initially sowed it, I was very skeptical.  It has been 49 days & I only started harvesting it this week (I picked the last bunch today) - BUT there was a one week setback in planting the seedlings outside because of the weather and I definitely could have started harvesting a week or so earlier as many were starting to bolt.  I’m actually thinking that had it not been for these factors, 35 days is in fact – surprise, surprise – doable.  I’m planning on growing another round of this variety for fall harvest, so we will see how that one goes.

"Sorrento" Rapini

My harvest totals this week were:

Spinach – 82 grams (0.18 lbs)
Lettuce – 216 grams (0.48 lbs)
Rapini – 626 grams (1.38 lbs)

Total For Week – 924 grams (2.04 lbs)

Total To Date – 924 grams (2.04 lbs)

To see what everyone else has been harvesting over the past week, head on over to Daphne’s Dandelions, our host for Harvest Mondays.

Till next time...


  1. Lovely harvests. I've never grown rapini, but it doesn't look too much different than my kale blossoms. I wonder how the taste compares.

    1. Rapini is quite bitter, even after cooking. I think it usually falls under the "you either love it or hate it" category.

    2. Then I'd probably hate it. I'm not a fan of bitter most of the time.

  2. Congrats on your first harvest! It looks like you are having plenty of delicious salads this week.

    1. Thanks Julie! Yup - LOTS of salads are definitely on the menu!

  3. Lovely greens! I hope to harvest my first spinach and lettuce of the season next week. Everything is so behind this year due to our late snow cover. I have never grown Rapini and didn't realize how quick the period was from seed to harvest. I may have to give it a try in the fall.

    1. The rapini was definitely worth it both for speed & taste - I found it to actually be a bit milder with almost a bit of a sweetness compared to what we get in the supermarket.

  4. Wonderful green harvest! Your spinach looks good and so does the lettuces! Most of my spinach has gone to seed already. My favorite lettuces to plant right now is Black Seeded Simpson and Prizehead. I am usually so desperate to harvest my own greens that I start snitching when they are small! Nancy

  5. We have had a couple of days in the mid to high 80's, so I have a feeling the spinach harvest may come to an abrupt end sometime soon. I know what you mean about it being hard to wait when it comes to harvesting, although this year it was a bit easier because I was so busy with the new beds.

  6. Beautiful harvest! I love how pretty all your greens are.

    1. Thanks Jenny - and it doesn't hurt that they are delicious too!


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